Chairperson¢¥s Message


Letter of Invitation to Join ToFWA

The smoking of tobacco is a serious global health issue which contributes to the death of millions annually. One of the most effective strategies to reduce the health hazards of tobacco smoking is to establish a global network to promote and enact legislative measures banning the manufacture and sale of tobacco products.

It is for this purpose that I, in collaboration with Dr. Zatonski, initiated an international partnership named ToFWA, the acronym for Tobacco Free World Alliance, on November 11, 2004.

This international coalition aims to raise public awareness of the serious health hazards of tobacco smoking, and prohibit the use of tobacco products worldwide through legislative measures. Membership in ToFWA is open to any responsible person who shares these goals and is willing to submit a petition to the legislative body in his or her country for the complete ban of the manufacture and sale of tobacco products within the next 10-20 years.

As a medical professional concerned with public health worldwide, I warmly invite and encourage you to participate in this international initiative as an active member. Your participation and support is valuable in helping us achieve our goal of promoting public health on a global level by the elimination of cigarette smoking. I firmly believe this goal is a worthy and good one, and one which is attainable.

Thank you.


Jae-Gahb Park M.D. Ph.D.
Honorary Professor
Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea
Phone: +82-2-766-8080
Fax: +82-2-742-4727
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