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IASLC 2007 Declaration on Tobacco

International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
IASLC 2007

Declaration on Tobacco

September 5, 2007
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the world. The incidence is rising at an alarming rate in both men and women, particularly in the developing world. Ninety percent of cases are caused by active or passive smoking, and therefore, could be avoided or prevented. Smoking is a major factor in the development of cancers, cardiovascular disease and chronic lung disease. If the global epidemic caused from tobacco, particularly the epidemic of lung cancer deaths, is to be decreased in the next few decades, smoking cessation must be a key component of our strategy.(Peto, 2000) Because smoking tobacco most often begins in childhood or early adolescence, nicotine addiction in this population must be prevented. In order to help achieve its goal of eliminating lung cancer, the IASLC:
1. Requests governments to:
- Ratify the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and work to speedily implement its Articles.
- Work within each of the members Cancer Centers or Clinics to promote smoking cessation and a complete smokefree workplace campus.
- Promote smoking and all tobacco prevention programs, particularly those that are focused on youths.
- Promote legislation or regulations that enforce smokefree public places, including transportation systems particularly to protect non-smokers from the effects of secondhand smoking.
- Promote educational programs that warn of the deadly effects of tobacco on health, including programs with the school systems.
- Increase taxes on tobacco in order to decrease its use.
- Encourage governments to enforce anti-smuggling laws with increased surveillance
- Initiate legislative action for ultimate elimination of manufacture and sales of tobacco products
2. Encourage other medical societies and health care institutions to join in campaigns against smoking and for anti-smoking education.
3. Encourage all health care providers to receive training in counseling on stopping smoking.
4. Requests all industrial sectors and media organs to eliminate tobacco advertising and marketing.
5. Promises to produce materials that will aid in education concerning smoking and lung cancer.
Peto R, Darby S, Deo H, Silcocks P, Whitley E, Doll R. Smoking, smoking cessation , and lung cancer in the UK since 1950: combination of national statistics with two case-control studies. BMJ 2000;321:323-329

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